Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Do YOU Know Andrew Tavi or Scott Becker?

 I've Been Abused by NISSAN for OVER 3 

Years  - I Need Help.... Someone Please!!!

"We utilize a small variety of firms, relying heavily on our Nashville firms for corporate and local matters, and several regional and national firms for our litigation and distribution practice" across the Americas region.."  Andrew Tavi the head of NISSAN legal who offered me $$$ if I stopped blogging.   I didn't and then I was bullied, harassed, terrorized, jailed, humiliated and NOW have endured too much time fighting for human decency.  I have a child and NISSAN is cruel to whistleblower.  It's time someone told Baker Donelson to be RESPECTFUL.

By hiring an assortment of  "major firms" that hurts people like me. 
Having to use a small firm against a big corporation is a David vs. Goliath.  I'm going to ask the DOJ to help my lawyer give me my American rights that NISSAN is tampering with.

I've asked my lawyer to give me ALL the info that shows "we did our job" and it's NISSAN that's stalling.  

It's been relayed to me that NISSAN is "playing games" and racketeering is something I must look into.  Being jailed 3 times on "trumped up charges" and suffering massive bullying is wrong. The state has a LOT to gain by keeping me silent  NISSAN wants the DOE loan "written off"..

Already I've spoken to a DOJ lawyer who told me to sue civilly and I will go back and show them that I've tried to sue civilly but NISSAN does NOT play by the rules.  Andrew Tavi "if" I'm wrong PLEASE clarify.  I'm upset that depositions have NOT happened.... I was told your executives won't be deposed in reference to malicious prosecution of "me"....and issues about the Leaf.   Is that true?  

I'm angry and want justice.  

Mr. Tavi tell Baker Donelson to do their job.... 

If I've written anything that's incorrect contact me and I'll "clarify" I've done that for OVER 3 years.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Brian Hercules and the Rutherford County ECD - Why Do You Treat NISSAN With So Much RESPECT. The CEO Carlos Ghosn Helps IRAN- He Helps the Iranian Economy and Has Done Deals with Terrorists Nations that Want Our Troops Dead. Lets Stop Terrorism. Just Say No to NISSAN

 Iran Sanctions Must be Tough

America Has NEVER Gone After the Root of the Problem & that's dealing with IRAN.  IT's Time for Tough Sanctions, Peace talks and stopping any nuclear effort.  Religious zealots are NOT people that should get a weapon of mass destruction.

ONLY When NISSAN Outed Me - Jailed Me - Slandered Me - Bullied Me - DId a Whisper Campaign Saying I Was Gay (I'm Not.... Still There is NOTHING Wrong With Being Gay) - Only Then Did I Speak Up.

The Fact is People in the UK and Corporations Have Profited from the Cover Up.  Carlos Ghosn Almost Destroyed the Lives of 3 Men In France.  The Executives at Renault Were Innocent.  I Proved That.  

I Know the NISSAN CEO Knows Who is Responsible for the Crash of Pan Am Flight 103. 

Will YOU Tell members of Congress and President Obama to tell NISSAN to RESPECT Sharyn Bovat.  

Right now I Need a Form Filled Out - and to get Retirement from the CIA.  I need health insurance.  FYI-   I Think I Did MY Job & I did NOT tell the man I married that I did research.  ONLY when my life became unbearable from harassment from ex CIA "profiteering did I speak can YOU understand how mad a man married to me would be?   

Monday, December 3, 2012

Brian - I've Applied for Your Old Job. Lets Meet and YOU Can Tell Me How to Do It?

Begin forwarded message:
From: Sharyn Bovat <>
Subject: Sharyn Bovat Applies to United Way for a Job. Uses NISSAN Executives, Haley Barbour, Sal Russo, & Karl Rove as References. 
Date: December 3, 2012 12:21:13 PM CST

Hello United Way.... 

I'm available.  I'm not "connected" to the Good Ole Boy network like Mr. Hercules but I'm very bright.  I did counter intelligence during the Reagan & Bush Administration ("H" Bush:).   I think that makes me "over qualified" but heck it's a tough economy. I need health insurance.

Haley Barbour knows who I am.  He's an expert at fundraising and he can tell you that I "catch on" fast. I'm going to BCC Ed Gillespie's office.   They'll tell him you might be calling for a reference. 
Mark Silverman the former editor of the Tennessean is a reference.  So is Sal Russo & Karl Rove, I did research for some of his operatives too.  Locally Bill Krueger and Scott Becker from NISSAN know my work.  They'll voice that I'm "driven"..

Wow... I'm so impressive you should hire me "sight unseen".... That would be "not kosher" so lets meet for coffee?  Friday?

I just started a blog about my "predecessor"  It's gonna be "fun"...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Is this Fair Brian Hercules?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <>
Subject: Sharyn Bovat Welcomes NEW Rutherford County ECD Leader Brian Hercules With a New Blog…. It's Time for RESPECT in America
Date: December 2, 2012 8:28:46 PM CST
To: "" <>, "" <>,  and a bunch of others...

Joining the Rutherford County ECD is a Guy Who Knows the Good Ole Boys!!!   Tennessee is NOT going Forward in accepting the "fairness" doctrine.   Respect for ALL people is NOT happening... Why?

Brian Hercules has been president and CEO of the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties since 2009.   It's a Charity that's "connected" in the community.  Some charities (that have LESS overhead) suffer economically  because employers from United Way have bullied their employees to donate to them. One lady said her husband thought he would lose his job if he did not give to United Way... In America we have FREEDOM and that should include which charity people give to...

Add caption

The NISSAN FRAUD is Real!!!

Brian Hercules spent time with people that KNEW 

the leaf was "built to fail" does he "really" want 

Rutherford County to succeed?

I hope he reaches out to me and tells me he's NOT a 

Good Ole Boy.  I hope he has RESPECT for ALL People in his heart.

Do YOU Care About the Taxpayers Mr. Hercules? 

If So Call Me  615-944-7599
  1. Judge This Tennessee: According to the DNJ the Rutherford IDB ...

    Jan 3, 2012 – NISSAN used a Rutherford County IDB bond as collateral for the 1.4 billion dollare DOE loan (it really does NOT make sense that the

  1. My name is Sharyn Bovat AKA the NISSAN Whistleblower. ... http t co l4nt7p7l 0 seconds ago sharynbovat richard bracken of hca chamber of commerce do you

  1. Rob McNeilly of SunTrust - Why Does YOUR Name Keep Popping ...
    Nov 10, 2012 – Just today Mr. McNeilly's name surfaced on data that I read. It's terrifying. This man is President of SunTrust in Nashville & He's a respected ...

    Loyal Customer At&T Asks Gregg Morton the President of At&T ...
    Nov 13, 2012 – Loyal Customer At&T Asks Gregg Morton the President of At&TTennessee and Chamber of Commerce "Buddy" of NISSAN SVP Scott Becker to ...

Brian Hercules Do YOU Know Gary Garfield, Rob McNeilly, Gregg Morton or Richard Braken? Sir Tennessee is #1 in Corruption NISSAN Has Lied About the Leaf EV - I Tried to Save America OVER 1.4 Billion. The Collateral for the Dept. of Energy Loan is a Taxpayer Backed Rutherford County IDB Bond. How is America Going to Get Paid Back Without Rutherford County Taxpayers Property Taxes Going Up 10% ?

Brian Hercules has been president and CEO of the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties since 2009. He will fill the role held for the past seven years by Holly Sears, who will soon leave to lead the Montgomery County Business Development Corporation in Maryland. Hercules will transition into his new role during December and go full time Jan. 1. 

The FRAUD is Real!!!

 Do YOU Care About the Taxpayers Mr. Hercules? 

If So Call Me  615-944-7599
  1. Judge This Tennessee: According to the DNJ the Rutherford IDB ...
    Jan 3, 2012 – NISSAN used a Rutherford County IDB bond as collateral for the 1.4 billion dollare DOE loan (it really does NOT make sense that the ...

    My name is Sharyn Bovat AKA the NISSAN Whistleblower. ... http t co l4nt7p7l 0 seconds ago sharynbovat richard bracken of hca chamber of commerce do you ...

  1. Rob McNeilly of SunTrust - Why Does YOUR Name Keep Popping ...
    Nov 10, 2012 – Just today Mr. McNeilly's name surfaced on data that I read. It's terrifying. This man is President of SunTrust in Nashville & He's a respected ...

    Loyal Customer At&T Asks Gregg Morton the President of At&T ...
    Nov 13, 2012 – Loyal Customer At&T Asks Gregg Morton the President of At&TTennessee and Chamber of Commerce "Buddy" of NISSAN SVP Scott Becker to ...